Q&A 운전면허증 취득 후, 발작을 두 번 했으나 운전면허증이 취소될까 봐 의사한테 그 사실을 알리지 않았는데, 어떻게 해야 하나?, Q&A After I got my driver’s license, I had two seizures, but I didn’t tell the doctor because I was afraid my driver’s license would be revoked. What should I do?

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Q&A 운전면허증 취득 후, 발작을 두 번 했으나 운전면허증이 취소될까 봐 의사한테 그 사실을 알리지 않았는데, 어떻게 해야 하나?, Q&A After I got my driver’s license, I had two seizures, but I didn’t tell the doctor because I was afraid my driver’s license would be revoked. What should I do?

▪ 발작을 했다는 사실을 의사에게 보고하지 않으면의사가 항뇌전증 약물의 용량을 다시 조절할 수 있는 기회를 잃을 수도 있다.

▪ 또 운전 중 발작이 일어나 교통사고가 날 위험성도 있고교통사고로 중상을 입을 수 있는 위험성도 있다.

▪ 의사에게 발작했다는 사실을 보고하도록 한다.


Q&A After I got my driver’s license, I had two seizures, but I didn’t tell the doctor because I was afraid my driver’s license would be revoked. What should I do?

▪ If you do not report to your doctor that you have had a seizure, you may lose your chance to have your doctor re-adjust your antiepileptic medication. ▪ There is also a risk of a traffic accident due to seizures while driving, and there is also a risk of serious injury in a traffic accident. ▪ Make sure you report the seizure to your doctor.